1 Week To Go

Here I am writing the last blog of the year already! Thank you for taking your time to read my waffle each week, sometimes I worry that what I’ve written doesn’t make sense. I do appreciate you persevering with me each time and for your kind words. I can’t believe the children are heading into Year 2. They are all very excited and have enjoyed spending time in their new classrooms with their lovely new teachers this week. In English this week, we have been busy writing a letter to our new class teachers. We began the week with creating … Read more

Transitions to Year 2

We’ve had a lovely week here in Year 1. It’s a very exciting/nerve-racking time of year when the children get to meet their teachers for next year and visit their new classrooms. Can you believe that these little Year 1 children are about to become the top if the school? I can’t believe how quickly this year has flown past! Our lovely Year 1s will soon be in the safe hands of the lovely Miss Heafford and the wonderful Mrs Gadd. Rest assured we do a thorough handover of the children to the Year 2 teachers and we know they … Read more


What a lovely way to end the week having a little boogie in the hall. The children love anything like that and were looking rather red, hot and sweaty when I poked my head in. They were having a blast! Lots of smiles and laughter, which is wonderful to see. The reports have been sent home today. We hope you are proud of your child and everything they have achieved this academic year. We are beyond proud of each and every one of them and will be sad to see them move onto the big Year 2s. Next week, the … Read more

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Although we’ve only got four weeks left of this term, we have still got lots of fun and exciting things planned this coming term including a dance workshop, school disco, Fleet Carnival and of course all our transition visits to Year 2. Rest assured, we do a thorough handover to our wonderful Year 2 team. The teachers have been busy behind the scenes over the last few weeks writing the children’s end of year reports. They are a lovely way for you to see the progress your child has made this year and a wonderful souvenir of their Year 1 … Read more

Sports Day Fun

Sports Day, albeit a bit of a wash out for Year 1, was a great success. Well done to all the children for taking part and handling the situation really well! I read in the news yesterday that because the south of England has had so much rain at the beginning of the year, we are looking greener than we normally would. So when I was driving to school today, it suddenly dawned on me that Fleet is looking rather lovely at the moment and I felt a huge appreciation for where we live and how lucky we are to … Read more

Tennis and Swimming

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term. What a fun week it’s been this week! We had our first tennis lesson on Monday which the children absolutely loved. They are learning to persevere to develop their skills as tennis can actually be quite tricky to begin with. We also had out first swimming this week. The children were absolute super stars walking to and from Hart Leisure Centre and loved being in the water despite it being a bit chilly when getting out. They were all so well behaved and already looking forward to next week’s … Read more

Happy Half Term!

As we are due to start our swimming lessons after half term, it would be helpful if you and your child visit Hart Leisure Centre to help your child become familiar with the setting. This will really help your child to know what the changing rooms are like and how warm the water is. The children all end up having a lovely time learning alongside their friends so please don’t worry. Thank you so much to all our lovely volunteers who are kindly giving us their free time to help support the children. We really appreciate it! In Maths this … Read more


Our May Fair was a HUGE success! Can I just say a huge thank you to our wonderful TAFF team. They are a small but mighty team who pulled that together so wonderfully for families in our community to enjoy. The weather was definitely on our side as well! It was an excellent event – thank you so much to everyone who popped along and contributed in one way or another. If you haven’t already seen, Mrs Sloss took some cracking photos which are up on the website, so please take a look! The disco tickets have also just gone … Read more

What’s that in the sky!?!

The children LOVED the skipping workshop on Wednesday. It was very energetic and lively! The children loved comparing their high scores and even watching the teachers participate. The skipping ropes are now available to buy from the school office. There’s adult ones if you fancied giving it ago yourself. In Maths this week, we have continued to apply our knowledge of number bonds within 10 to solve problems. We used resources and tens frames to show part, part whole for the numbers 9 and 10. We then used our number bond knowledge to solve a range of problems and balance … Read more

May Day

Did anyone else hear that CRAZY thunderstorm on Wednesday night? I nearly fell out of bed it made me jump so much! The lightning was spectacular to watch out the window I must say! Hopefully now we are in May, we will have some sunnier days and not have to take out raincoats and umbrellas everywhere. Next week is a 4 day week due to the bank holiday! In Maths this week, we have been applying our knowledge of number bonds within 10 to solve problems. We have used resources to show part, part whole for numbers between 5 and … Read more

A cold and wet April

It’s hard to believe we are well into Spring when the weather is still rather dull. I read a beautiful book to my class on Thursday called Hello Mr World by Michael Foreman. It’s a powerful story to help children understand the effects of climate change which even includes a few tips of how the children can make a difference such as turning the lights off when they leave a room, turn the tap off when brushing their teeth etc. The children were really intrigued by the story and we ended up having an in-depth discussion about what would happen … Read more

The Summer Term Begins!

WOW! The first week of the summer term is complete already! I hope you all had a lovely Easter break and managed to enjoy some nice days out. We’ve got so much planned for the term ahead, we will all be exhausted by the end of it! We have started our brand new, exciting topic…How Does Your Garden Grow? The children are very excited about and we’ve got lots of exciting activities planned. The artwork they have produced already this week is amazing of Monet’s Japanese bridge. In Maths, we have started to learn about multiplication. We have been learning … Read more

Hoppy Easter!

I can’t quite believe we have reached the end of the spring term, soon to be heading into the summer one. What a crazy year it’s been so far and we have only just reached the end of March! I was writing the date down earlier and still put 2023. That is a forgivable mishap in January but you would have thought that by March, I would be used to writing 2024. On behalf of the entire Year 1 team, we would just like to thank you all for your support. We are so lucky to have such wonderful children … Read more

Is That The Sun In The Sky?

What beautiful weather we’ve had for the last few days! It has been so nice after all the dreary, rainy, overcast days we have had. I feel like spring is officially here and it has certainly put a spring in my step! Long may it last! We’ve had another lovely week here in Year 1 at Tavistock. I keep looking at the children and asking myself “When did they get so big?” I can’t believe that after the Easter break, they will be in their last term of Year 1 ready to head into Year 2 and be top of … Read more

All Things Science and Red Noses

We have all loved our exciting Science Week this week!. Our science focussed on a lot of different subjects such as classifications of animals, fossils, habitats, food chains, life cycles, skeletons and much more! We had lots of fun carrying out some science experiments including a meteor experiment on Friday which the children LOVED! In English next week, we will start with writing a recount about our science week. We will look over some of the photos and have an in-depth discussion about what we learnt, what we enjoyed and anything we found tricky. In the rest of our lessons, … Read more

We love READING!

What a great World Book Day we had on Thursday! The children looked fantastic dressed up in their costumes and brightly coloured mufti. We had such a variety of characters and colour combinations. The children were so excited to show off their clothes in an assembly which Mrs O’Connor hosted on Thursday morning. The children loved joining in our song “Tavistock Infant had World Book Day” sang to the tune Old McDonald Had a Farm. If you haven’t already seen, take a look on our website at all the photos, they are absolutely brilliant! We have spent this whole Reading … Read more

“March”ing into Spring

I love seeing the early signs on Spring this time of year. I like to buy a bunch of daffodils every now and then. If anyone has any tips on how to help daffodils last longer, please send them my way! My friend told me to put a small amount of sugar in with them but that had the opposite affect! Please can I also remind you that the children are welcome to come dressed up as any book character or a colour on Thursday 7th March for World Book Day. In maths this week, we began the week with … Read more

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a lovely half term. The children have all come back refreshed and ready for the second half of the spring term. We’ve got lots of exciting things planned including a Science Professors Workshop happening next Tuesday. Please can I also remind you that the children are welcome to come dressed up as any book character or a colour on Thursday 7th March for World Book Day. In English this week, we have been focussing on the book ‘How to look after your Dinosaur’ by Jason Cockcroft. We started the week by learning about the un- prefix … Read more

Dinosaur Footprints

Happy Half Term! On Wednesday, we had such a fun day making ginormous dinosaur footprints out of paper mache. It was a very messy job but the children and adults loved getting involved and the results are brilliant! Thank you so much to Arlo’s mum who came in to help in Bumblebee Class and then repeated the whole process again in Hedgehog Class and she still had a smile on her face! A fun way to end the first half of the spring term! In English this week, we have been learning about the past tense. We have learnt that … Read more

February at last!

Thank you to all the parents who attended parents evening this week and I hope you found them useful. It’s really nice to have a chat about your child’s progress and for you to hear how they are getting on at school as it’s hard to get a full picture from the children! But they are all smashing it! I can’t believe we are half way through Year 1 already! Doesn’t time fly! On Thursday, the children loved the visit from Open View Education who came in to talk to us about keeping safe online. The children loved meeting all … Read more

Dinosaur Creations

Thank you for all the creative and imaginative dinosaur creations the children made as part of their home learning. They all look fantastic! The children are very proud of them and they are currently all on display which have brightened up the classrooms! Just a reminder about the 10 minute slot parents evening to speak to your child’s teacher. If you haven’t already done so, please remember to book as there are still places available. Tuesday the 30th January is our face to face one and Wednesday 31st January is our virtual one. We look forward to seeing you all then!  All … Read more

Jack Frost 

This term is flying by but at the same time, January seems to have been going of forever?!? We are however, already half way through the term which means only a few weeks left until February half term. I’ve started to notice a few signs of Spring which hopefully means the weather will be getting warmer soon and we can make the most of the longer days and not having to defrost our cars! The parents evening bookings went live on Sunday for you to book a 10 minute slot to speak to your child’s teacher. If you haven’t already … Read more

Wrapping up warm! 

BRRRRRRRRRRR! Isn’t it chilly at the moment? The children are noticeably more settled this week after the Christmas break. It does usually take a week or two to get back into the swing of things and picking up the same old routine. I’m sure some of them have grown a few inches!   We absolutely loving our Dinosaur topic. So far, we have talked about the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous eras and we have been comparing what we think the world looked like during those periods. It is hard to explain to the children how long ago it actually was … Read more

Totally ROAR-SOME! 

Welcome back! Happy 2024! I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and new year! I am glad to get back to routine now as I definitely got to that point where I didn’t know what day of the week it was! Although a dreary and rainy start to the term, the children have all been in good spirits this week and always manage to keep a smile on their faces. “A day where you witness at least one child’s smile is always a day well spent.” Well I love my days when I’m in school and I consider myself … Read more


We’ve had such a fun final week here at school on the run up to Christmas. The Pantomime was a great success and the children absolutely loved it – despite the chilly walk on the way up there and back! They didn’t moan once! I think the children are all ready to break up for Christmas now and hopefully everyone will recover from sniffles, temperatures and coughs in time for Christmas Day.   I just would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU all so much for our kind words, cards and gifts you have given us. We … Read more

Performing Super Stars! 

WOW the children have blown us away with their performances this week! They all looked so gorgeous up on the stage and so proud of themselves. Thank you all for your help in regards to their costumes and turning up to support your child. These little things mean so much to them. We are all very proud of them.   This week, we have been continuing to focus on our sentence writing but using Christmas pictures to inspire the children. Their writing has improved vastly this term and we are really pleased with the children. In maths this week, we … Read more

Happy December! 

Christmas has begun here at Tavistock! The children are excitedly practising for their Christmas plays. They have been working really hard to learn all the words and actions to the songs and say their lines beautifully. They are really excited to perform next week! Just a reminder that Bumblebees Christmas play is on Tuesday 5th at 9.20am and Hedgehogs Christmas play is on Wednesday 6th at 2.15pm. Just another reminder that some of the children had their nasal flu vaccination on Wednesday. If they start to have a sniffle or feel unwell, it could be fallout from this.  We had some wonderful … Read more

A Fun Topic Week 

The children have absolutely loved topic week! Our main areas of focus have been Science and Geography. We have looked at our 5 senses, labelled parts of the human body, looked at maps and atlases, the UK, healthy eating, hygiene as well as carrying out some science experiments. One of the experiments included building a parachute using different materials to see which material would float the longest. The children had my make their predictions and then choose a material to build their parachute. It was really interesting so hear why the children had chosen different materials. They absolutely loved it.  … Read more

Spots, Spots and More Spots! 

Today we had our charity fund raising event for BBC Children in Need. Funds are raised to make sure we can be there for children and young people by funding thousands of local charities and projects. The SPOTacular annual appeal in November inspires communities across the UK to come together, raise funds and show support.  This week in English, we have had a skills week. We focussed on how to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces correctly to write sentences. On Friday, we spent the morning writing sentences about Autumn.   In maths, we have continued our learning about … Read more

Remembrance Day 

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.”  We had a class assembly on Thursday where we had a discussion with the children about Remembrance Day. We spoke about why we wear poppies and what they represent, the significance of the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month and why and what we do during the two minute silence. The children were respectful and took it seriously, which was very touching to … Read more

Whizz, Pop, Bang! 

Welcome back! I hope you had a nice relaxing half term. We were quite lucky with the weather being nice for most of it! It’s noticeably turning colder now and what a difference it’s made with the clocks going back an hour! Dare I say it, now we are in November, Christmas will be here before we know it! I loved hearing all the children’s Halloween stories – what they dressed up as etc. I never really remember Halloween being a big event when I was their age but I love seeing how excited they get about it! LOVED the … Read more

Happy Half Term! 

WOW hasn’t that first half term flown past? It will be Christmas before we know it! Thank you to everyone for attending the Parents Evenings this week, we hope you found them useful! It’s always nice to have a chat about how the children are doing, how they are progressing and what they are up to! We as teachers, also love having that 1 on 1 time with you as the drop offs and pick-ups can be a bit chaotic at times!  This week, in English, we have continued our learning about fairy tales and focussed on the loveable story … Read more

A change in the weather! 

Just a final reminder that if you haven’t already done so, the appointments are now open to book a parents evening slot to speak with your child’s teacher and see how they are settling into Year 1. Tuesday’s is face to face in the hall and Wednesday’s is online. Mrs Jamfrey will also be available to talk to during the face to face appointments.  This week in English, we have been focussing on the book ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We have been exploring the nursery rhymes and fairy tales found in the book to help … Read more


I can’t believe we are in October already! The dark evenings are getting more and more noticeable! Although apparently this weekend is meant to be unseasonable warm so this might be our chance to make the most of the last bit of sun before the weather really does turn. I was having a mooch around Fleet the other day and the amount of shops that have got Christmas bits and bobs out already. Just a reminder that if you haven’t already done so, the appointments are now open to book a parents evening slot to speak with your child’s teacher … Read more

Fire! Fire! 

On Tuesday, we had our first practise fire drill of the year. The children were all really well behaved and quick to vacate the premises. We reassured the children that it was only a practise but we need to know what to do in the unlikely event of a real fire at school. We then had our fantastic workshop on Wednesday. The children absolutely loved it! First of all, we learnt that the Great Fire of London took place the year after the Great Plague. We then learnt about the sequence of events that took place during the Great Fire … Read more

What a wet week! 

Gosh the rain just keeps on coming doesn’t it! Why is it always at school pick up time? Autumn has certainly arrived! Thank you to all the parents that came to our Year 1 parent’s meetings this week and we hope you found them helpful. If you have any questions, please come and speak to us!   This week in English, we started off the week with news writing. We focussed on full stops, capital letters and fingers spaces to make our writing as good as we can! We have also been reading the book Oi Frog! By Kes Gray. … Read more

Beautifully Settled 

Another fun and successful week here in Year 1! If you are looking to help out in the Year 1 classes, please make sure you have got your DBS check via the school office. This is also good to have if you would like to help on any school trips etc.   In English this week we have been looking at the book ‘Shark in the Park‘ by Nick Sharratt to help increase our vocabulary and to build and write our own sentences. We have been recapping our phonics and using these to write the words we need. While doing … Read more

A warm welcome to Year 1!

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 blog where we keep you up to date with what the children are learning about in class. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and feel pleased to get back into some sort of routine. The first week back has been fantastic. The children have settled so beautifully already and it’s been lovely seeing all their smiling faces. They have enjoyed painting self-portraits, writing about their summer holidays, making their class animal and lots of other fun activities! In Year 1, we start the year with COOL (Choose Our Own Learning) Time. … Read more