We’ve had such a fun final week here at school on the run up to Christmas. The Pantomime was a great success and the children absolutely loved it – we were lucky we didn’t get rained on this year! I think the children are all ready to break up for Christmas now and hopefully everyone will recover from sniffles, temperatures and coughs in time for Christmas Day. I just would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU all so much for our kind words, cards and gifts you have given us. We honestly don’t expect anything but we … Read more

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

The children started the week with a visit from Santa whilst taking part in the reindeer run to help raise money for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. A huge thank you to Fleet Lions for participating in this activity! And thank you all for your kind and generous donations. The children ended the week with a visit to Elfridges – thank you to our wonderful TAFF for organising such a well oiled event! Thank you for your patience this week with dropping off and picking up via Dormouse Nest. It has been a bit of a strange week! The new flooring … Read more

Performing Super Stars!

WOW the children have blown us away with their performances this week! They all looked so gorgeous and sparkly up on the stage and so proud of themselves. Thank you all for your help in regards to their costumes and turning up to support your child. These little things mean so much to them. We are all very proud of them for learning all the songs, lines and actions. The videos will be available on Google Classroom shortly so you can re-watch the plays and share with family members. In maths this week, we have been busy doubling. We started … Read more

Inspect, inspect, inspect…

You probably heard the news that we had VIPs in school this week! Thank you to everyone who submitted their views on the school as Ofsted do take your opinions very seriously. The full Ofsted report will be available for you to read in the new year. The children have been VERY excited and working extremely hard at practising for their Christmas plays next week! Thank you for sending in costumes – we know you are going to love seeing them perform. They are ALL fabulous!!!! In maths this week, we have been learning about subtraction and the concept of … Read more

Almost at the end of November…

Isn’t time moving so fast?! We’ve had another fun week here in Year 1 at Tavistock! As you probably already know, we have our Christmas plays coming up very soon! The children are super excited and have been busy learning all the songs in school this week. You will have received a slip at some point with your child’s costume for the performance. Please do not go spending lots of money on costumes, use bits you’ve already got at home such as a tea towel for a shepherds head! We look forward to seeing you on the day of the … Read more

Welcome Back!

I hope you all had a lovely and restful half term. The children have come back bright eyed and bushy tailed ready for the busy build up to Christmas. Despite some of the children being hit with the sickness bug this week, we’ve had a fun and busy start to the term. Next week, we will be discussing Remembrance Day – “They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.” We had a class assembly on … Read more

Happy Half Term!

What a fun week to end on! The children had a fantastic Great Fire of London workshop on Wednesday. They absolutely loved it! First of all, we learnt that the Great Fire of London took place the year after the Great Plague. We then learnt about the sequence of events that took place during the Great Fire of London. We indulged in some drama activities to re-enact the fire and to sequence the events, and we thought about the differences in people’s lives and what firefighting was like in the past. After that, we explored why the fire was so … Read more

Coughs and Sneezes

We are getting to that time of year where most people are developing a cough or sniffle of some sort. Some children had their nasal flu spray on Wednesday which I know they were really brave about. My only advice for this time of year is to keep taking your vitamins and wash your hands regularly. Common colds are hard to avoid, especially when children are involved! Just a quick reminder to order any school photos or TAFF Christmas cards by the end of the month to avoid disappointment. Also, parents evening appointments are next week. This week in English, … Read more


On Wednesday, the children had their school photos taken. They all looked very prepped and smart for the occasion and I hope your happy with the outcome. Please make sure you order the photos within the timeframe given. Also, just a reminder that if you haven’t already done so, the appointments are now open to book a parents evening slot to speak with your child’s teacher and see how they are settling into Year 1. The Monday session is face to face in the hall and the Tuesday session is online. This week, we had a busy skills week in … Read more

Harvest Festival

What another great week! On Wednesday, we enjoyed celebrating Harvest with our wonderful Harvest assembly. Thank you all so much for your generous donations, they always mean such a lot and of course they are donated to a worthy cause – The Lions Community Store. Our school hall was full of donations and the charity were extremely grateful so thank you again! This week in English, we have been learning all about CAPITAL LETTERS. We used the book ‘Animalphabet‘ by Julia Donaldson to learn about the alphabet. We talked about how and when to use capital letters and lower case … Read more

Rain Rain GO AWAY

Why oh why does it always rain at playtime, lunchtime and school pick up? I’m convinced the weather gods are having a good old laugh at us somewhere! Then the sun miraculously appears for the rest of the day! I can’t believe we have been back for 4 weeks already – time certainly flies when you’re having fun! The children are very settled in their new classrooms now and we have absolutely loved getting to know them. Each child is unique with their own amazing personality and we are privileged to be part of their learning journey. This week in … Read more

Autumnal Feel

Autumn has certainly arrived! I’ve been for a few walks recently and started collecting conkers and leaves that have changed colour ready to share with the children. I even saw a badger walk across my front garden on my Ring doorbell the other night! Thank you to all the parents that came to our Year 1 parent’s meetings this week and we hope you found them helpful. If you have any questions, please come and speak to us. This week in English, we started off the week with news writing. We focussed on full stops, capital letters and fingers spaces … Read more

Beautifully Settled

Another fun and successful week here in Year 1! If you are looking to help out in the Year 1 classes, please make sure you have got your DBS check via the school office. This is also good to have if you would like to help on any school trips etc. We will welcome helpers after the October half term once everyone is settled. In English this week we have been looking at the book ‘Shark in the Park‘ by Nick Sharratt to help increase our vocabulary and to build and write our own sentences. We have been recapping our … Read more

A warm welcome to Year 1!

Hello and welcome to our Year 1 blog where we keep you up to date with what the children are learning about in class. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and feel pleased to get back into some sort of routine. The first week back has been fantastic. The children have settled so beautifully already and it’s been lovely seeing all their smiling faces. They have enjoyed painting self-portraits, writing about their summer holidays, making their class animal and lots of other fun activities! In Year 1, we start the year with COOL (Choose Our Own Learning) Time. … Read more