‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’

It has been lovely to see you all back to school this week and hope you all had a restful half term break and are ready for the final half term in Reception.  We can’t quite believe that it has come round so quickly!

Our story this week is ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed listening to and joining in with the story.  They have produced some amazing writing in drawing club where they have had a go at describing the bear and thinking of ways for the bear to go on an adventure. 

They have also produced some amazing art work, including maps and puppets to use when acting out and retelling the story. 

In maths the children have recapped on sharing equally and have been learning about grouping. 

In phonics the children have been working on recapping previously taught red words and the special friends ‘ir’ ‘ou’ and ‘oy’. 

As we have finished our swimming sessions we have restarted PE so would you please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school. 

Could you also please make sure that your child’s library book is in their book bag ready to be swapped on a Monday. 

Many thanks

The Reception Team