Welcome back everyone!

I hope you had a fabulous half term, I can’t quite believe this is the final term for our lovely year 2s – where has the time gone!?

We’ve had a busy first week back with lots of fun activities taking place. In maths this week, we’ve been learning all about statistics. We have learnt how to present data on a range of graphs such as a tally chart, pictogram, bar graph and block graph. The children collected their own data and learnt how to answer questions about what it shows.

In English, we started a new topic based on the fantastic book called Traction Man, written by Mini Grey. The book is about a daring action figure who goes on mini adventures, meeting different toys and objects along the way. The children have loved listening to Traction Man’s missions and have used drama to retell different parts of the story. They have also created story maps in preparation for writing their own adventure story in the upcoming weeks.

We have been very creative this week and have finished sculpting our wire flowers in art, we used tissue paper to decorate and add colour and detail. The children used different pinching techniques to secure the materials in place and used Judith Brown’s wire jewellery as inspiration for our art work.

Each of the year 2 classes walked to the swimming pool yesterday for their first swimming lesson. The children had a great time in the water with their friends and were certainly ready for snack time when we got back to school! Swimming lessons will continue to take place next Friday so please remember to bring in swimwear and towels. The children can also bring in goggles and swim hats but they responsible for looking after them.

Lots of things going on next week- The big spelling test will be on Monday 10th June, where the children will be tested on all 64 Year 2 common exception words.

Sports day is on Tuesday with an olympics theme, each class will be representing a different country.

-Squirrel will be representing Scotland and will need to come to school wearing something blue or white.

-Mole will be representing Ukraine and will need to come to school wearing something blue or yellow.

-Fox will be representing Spain and will need to come to school wearing something red or yellow.

Finally thanks so much to everyone who bought in a bag of clothes on Wednesday, it was a brilliant turn out once again! (Thank you TAFF for organising).

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

From Miss Sheppard