The Way Back Home
Our story of the week has been ‘The Way Back Home’ which is all about a boy and a Martian who are both stranded on the moon, and how they help each other to get back home.
In Drawing Club, we have drawn our own Martian and a moon and have come up with some brilliant passwords and passcodes.
There has been some amazing artwork being created this week, including junk modelling space rockets, Martians and alien hats!
In phonics we are continuing to revisit sounds already learnt as well as continuing to learn new sounds. This week we have learnt the sound ‘sh’. This is called a ‘special friend’ as it is two letters that make one sound.
In maths this week we have been focusing on number 4 and the different ways that we can show number 4.
As the weather has turned much colder and children are wearing hats, scarves and gloves to school, please can we ask that these are all named.
Thank you for your support.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Reception Team