The Colour Monster
Our story this week was ‘The Colour Monster’. The children have enjoyed listening to it and it is a fantastic way of helping children to understand and name their different feelings and emotions. The children had a go at making some lovely colour monster puppets to use within their play.
We began our maths carpet sessions with some number songs such as ‘12345 once I caught a fish alive’ and ‘5 currant buns in the Baker’s shop’. Please encourage and support your child to sing some counting and number songs at home.
This week we started our fun ‘Dough Disco’ activity which is a fast-paced fun activity using playdough to help children develop their finger muscles and fine motor skills.
It has been a lovely week at school.
With the arrival of the autumnal weather could we please ask that you send your child in with a spare set of clothes to change into should they get muddy, dirty or wet.
We thank you for your continued support.
The Reception Team