Summer 2, week 4

Hello everyone, it’s Mrs Manoharan writing the blog this week. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the lovely weather we’ve been experiencing. Well done for remembering to bring your full water bottles in every day, it’s very important to keep hydrated in the warm weather. I’m proud to say everyone was very sensible and made sure they stayed in the shade and had a drink when they felt hot on the playground. It should be slightly cooler in the coming week.

In our maths learning this week, we have been looking at estimating and number investigations. At the beginning of the week, we had to make sensible estimations based on our knowledge of number bonds to 20, 30 and 40. Once we had made our estimations we checked them to see if they were accurate. As the week progressed we had a go at using our mathematical knowledge to investigate some mathematical challenges. Using digits cards 0-9 we had to find different numbers such as the lowest odd number, highest even number and the highest multiple of 5. We were only allowed to use each digit once and each number had to be different. It was great fun testing our mathematical knowledge and being collaborative working in pairs.

We have been progressing through our topic work in R.E and in science we have been learning about plants, seeds, wild flowers and garden flowers, exploring seeds and putting them into groups. Throughout the week the Year 2 corridor has been filled with beautiful singing as each class continues to prepare  for their leavers’ assembly. All the children (and teachers) are very excited about family members coming to watch them throughout the week commencing 8th July.

It was great to see so many of you at the Summer Disco on Friday. We hope you all had a lovely time dancing and having fun with your friends. As ever a big THANK YOU to TAFF for organising this event, it is much appreciated.

Finally, this week is the transition session to Junior School. We hope you all have a super time getting to know your new teacher, moving with current friends and meeting new friends. Remember you are all superstars and although I am sure you will feel slightly nervous, it is such an exciting time full of amazing opportunities so try to enjoy it as much as you can! Best of luck!

Things to remember:

  • Book change on Monday – please make sure books and diaries are in.
  • Swimming lessons on Friday morning – please make sure Swimming kits/towels are in.
  • Library books are changed on a Thursday, during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open. 
  • Thursday 4th July Junior School visit.

Mrs Manoharan and the Year 2 team x