In April 2013 the Government provided additional funding to support sport provision in schools. The funding was provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

At Tavistock Infant School we offer the following provision for PE:

  • Each class has their PE lessons taught by their class teacher.
  • Each class has swimming lessons during the summer term.
  • After school clubs, such as multisports and Boogie Pumps
  • Each year group was allocated £300 to spend on equipment to use at lunchtimes in addition to a rota for KS1 to use the large apparatus in the playground.

We have used the funding at Tavistock Infant School in a variety of ways, for example to:

  • continue to develop the training of teachers through twilight sessions and staff meetings to deliver quality PE teaching.
  • invite specialist coaches to work with children and staff.
  • introduce taster days for each class to experience new sports.
  • maintain our existing PE equipment.
  • enable sports teams to take part in inter school competitions.

Impact of spending:

  • The PE curriculum is energized.
  • Staff have improved their confidence when teaching lessons which have resulted in a higher level of skill.
  • All KS1 children take part in topic based days and Sports Days.
  • Children are able to develop their social skills through structured play opportunities such as skipping/team games using the resources bought specifically for lunchtime play.
  • Children in Early Years are able to learn both indoors and outdoors as outlined in the EYFSP.

Sports Premium Statement 2024/2025

Sports Premium Statement 2022/2024

Sports Premium Statement 2019/2022 

Sports Premium Statement 2018/2019