Sports Day

It’s been a mixed bag of weather this week but thank goodness it was dry for Year 2 sports day!! I’m beginning to wonder when the summer will actually arrive. 

Hello everyone, it’s Mrs Manoharan writing the blog this week, I hope you all had fun cheering for your class and country at sports day!!  

It seems everyone had an enormous amount of fun taking part in the different races and supporting each other to enjoy the morning with team spirit. My favourite race is always the water race…it’s so exciting and lots of fun trying to keep the cup as full as possible! 

This week, in our English lessons, we have continued to think about the story of Traction Man. The children are really enjoying exploring the story and creating their own work based around the book. We have been developing our story plans into sentences using story language and adding speech writing in the present tense. We also generated captions to go with some pictures of Traction man exploring in the school library and began to draw our own settings and design our own characters taking inspiration from those in the story. There has been some wonderful work produced and all the teachers are feeling incredibly proud of the efforts the children have made.  

In our maths learning, we have been looking at fractions and quarters/thirds of shapes and numbers. We have been recognising one quarter of a shape and thinking about how we know it is one quarter. We have also been using fraction plates to help us find one quarter of a number when solving our word problems. We shared out counters into 4 equal parts on the fraction plate and then worked out how much one quarter of each number was. At the end of the week we explored finding one third of shapes and numbers.  

It was great to see (and hear) so many of you at the Sports day event. Thank You for your continuing support. The children really do enjoy their parents coming to watch and cheer them on in their events at school.  

Finally a big THANK YOU to TAFF for organising the Fathers Day Sale for the children this week at school, as ever it is much appreciated.  

Things to remember: 

  • Book change on Monday – please make sure books and diaries are in. 
  • Swimming lessons on Friday mornings – please make sure Swimming kits/towels are in. 
  • Library books are changed on a Thursday, during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open.  

Have a lovely, restful weekend and enjoy the sunshine if it makes an appearance!  

Mrs Manoharan and the Year 2 team x