Once there were Giants!
Our story this week was ‘Once there were Giants’. This story has inspired lots of discussions around families, who is in our family, who is older and who is younger. We have been looking at baby photographs and talking about what we can do now that we are bigger.
In Drawing Club, we have drawn a character and a setting for the story and chosen a password to make our character grow into a giant and one that opens the door to the setting.
In maths this week we have been focusing on the language of big and little, small and large, long and short, heavier and lighter and full and empty. There have been some fab activities going on, please take a look at tapestry.
We can’t quite believe that the children have nearly completed a half term at school and next week is the last week before the half term holiday. We are all so proud of their amazing achievements so far. Well done Year R!
Have a lovely weekend.
The Reception Team