Music & Arts Week – Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee class are enjoying music and arts week so far. We started the week with lots of art. First, we designed our own wallpaper pattern on a foam tile and then carefully coloured it in to finish the design. After that, we printed it onto paper multiple times to create our own wallpaper. Our designs were inspired by the work of William Morris who we learnt lots about. We then enjoyed doing some more art which involved carefully sketching a dragonfly by looking closely at pictures of them. The children worked so hard to ensure their sketches were detailed and accurate. After that, we enjoyed doing some music. We used a range of instruments to create group and class compositions inspired by Claude Monet’s artwork. Later in the day, we learnt a song and performed it together as a class. We are looking forward to the other exciting learning we have going on during the rest of the week! (Mrs Firth)