Good evening one and all. I am still at my desk because tonight is a Governors meeting and there is no point me going home. I think if I went home I wouldn’t come back! 😂 Please don’t think that I don’t enjoy the meetings but once I cross my threshold I am quite reluctant to cross back over into the world beyond. My instinct is to have a shower, get my night attire on, put my curlers in my hair and settle in front of the TV. You will be pleased to hear I am still in my frock and ready to answer any question thrown in my direction. I am also old enough and brave enough to now say that I don’t know the answer to a particular question but I will find out.

My weekend was unusually busy again because I went to the theatre on Friday night then travelled to Oxford for a wedding on Saturday. On Friday night we went to Princes Hall Aldershot to watch my daughter’s friend in a Cody Theatre Company Production. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect because I had never been before and I sounded like a bit of a ‘snob’ when I asked Eleanor if we were in the stalls! She guffawed at me. We had wonderful seats and the performance was amazing. As much as I love going up to London I will definitely go to more local theatre productions again. The cast were from so many different backgrounds, not being paid at all, and their enthusiasm was infinite. I was in a number of school plays, usually third sheep from the right and never Mary, but I wouldn’t be brave enough to go on stage now!

Speaking of bravery, the lovely wedding we attended was a humanist ceremony for a couple who had previously tied the knot officially in a register office with just a few witnesses. The ceremony on Saturday was their ‘real wedding’ to use their words. We were in the loveliest of fields with an amazing view. We all took our own chairs to sit on in the marquee and everyone mingled. The bride looked absolutely gorgeous and both she and her husband absolutely adored each other. I wonder if you are reading this and thinking just wait a few more years until his/her bad habits have slipped in. Or you might be reading this and thinking my partner and I still gaze at each other lovingly. Back to the wedding venue. The buffet was delicious and the portable toilets were cleaner than my loos at home! I was envisioning loos where you had to levitate and try to not touch either the floor or the seat but they were gorgeous! Nothing like the boys loos at school I can tell you! My daughter and I sobbed through the whole ceremony, along with the majority of other guests. The most perfect of days.

School has been a near perfect day today except for wet play. I was chatting to one of teachers after school and we were discussing how we as teachers often feel frazzled at the end of the day and it is probably because of sensory overload. One of my teachers said that she used to park in a car park before she went home from school for twenty minutes to switch off ready to face her own children. We have all chosen to be teachers and love our jobs, well most of the time, but the thing is that as a parent you would NEVER have thirty children all the same age, all at the same time. Teachers do! My lovely new site manager said he had no idea what it was like being in a school because he had always been in the real world. His immortal words were that it was bad enough with his three never mind thirty! 😁

Back to sensory overload and always trying to be positive. At least I haven’t got thirty governors overloading me tonight… at least i hope they don’t.

Have a lovely evening and sleep tight.