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Latest from Mole Class

Year 2 Leavers’ Party

What a fantastic Leavers’ Party TAFF organised this afternoon! The children loved it! The DJ (Sean Walsh from SNJ Entertainment) was great! We would welcome comments and messages to TAFF from the children (and parents) – please send them to the Guestbook. (Not all of the Photobooth photos are shown here as there were too many! The others will be added to the children’s Google Classroom pages next week).

Planting seeds – Mole Class

Mole Class brought in some plastic pots to recycle and use as plant pots. We have been learning about how we can look after our planet and what plants need to survive. This morning, we have spent some time out in our school garden. The children loved planting their own broad bean seed and are excited to take them home! I wonder how many broad beans you will be able to munch over the summer holidays… (Miss Heafford)

Sports Day – Year 2

Squirrel Class: Scotland; Fox Class: Spain; Mole Class: Ukraine

Dinosaur Habitats – Mole Class

For our science learning today, we have been learning all about the habitats that different dinosaurs would live in. Can you remember all of the things that living things need in their habitat?  I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the shoeboxes that were brought in – the children absolutely loved transforming them into their own dinosaur habitat! (Miss Heafford)

Mole Class – Fossils

As part of our science week, we have been looking at the difference between living, dead or never alive. Today, we focussed on fossils. We had a look at some real fossils. There were ammonites, clam shells and even a trilobite! The children handled these very carefully and enjoyed looking at the intricate details. Then, the children had lots of fossil activities to have fun with. I wonder what fun science activities we will get up to tomorrow… (Miss Heafford)

World Book Day

The children really enjoyed dressing up today!

Dinosaur VR Workshop – Mole Class

Many thanks to Paul from Spark2 for the brilliant workshops for Years 1 & 2. All the children really enjoyed their session

Museum Walk – Dinosaurs (Mole Class)

What a lovely afternoon we had today! The children loved sharing their incredible dinosaur homework with their friends in Mole Class, as well as getting to see the Foxes’ and Squirrels’ homeworks too! It was amazing seeing so many creative, imaginative posters and we loved learning so many new dinosaur facts! (Miss Heafford)

Year 2 – RE lesson

For our RE lesson this afternoon, the Year 2’s all came together to learn how Hindus celebrate the Holi Festival. We built a shrine for the God, Vishnu. We used scarves to symbolise the powdered paint which is thrown during the Holi Festival. We then listened to a traditional piece of Indian music and learnt an Indian dance. I wonder if you can carry on learning it at home… (Miss Heafford)

E-Safety assemblies / workshops

Every child took part in an E-Safety Assembly/workshop today delivered by OpenView Education. 

PJ/Mufti Day

Well done, Mole Class – you have earned a PJ/Mufti day on Tuesday 30 January.

A Visitor for Mole Class

Mole class had a visit from Norman today, the Giant African Snail!

Revolting sandwiches – Mole Class

This morning, Mole class had an amazing time creating our revolting sandwiches! This was inspired by the book we are looking at in English called The Rascally Cake. The children had to read and follow instructions to create ‘bogey’ sandwiches, ‘red maggot’ sandwiches and ‘spider legs’ sandwiches – yuck! The children enjoyed having a disgusting feast afterwards too! (Miss Heafford)

Dinosaur Workshop – Mole Class

The children in Mole Class really enjoyed being paleontologists during their workshop with Joel Walker from Education Group.

SCARF – Mole Class

Mole class had a wonderful afternoon with Sarah from SCARF. It was really exciting getting to go in Harold’s tent! The SCARF session was focussed on mental wellbeing and the children were learning about gratitude. Part of the session was focussed on mindfulness and they were thinking about ways in which they can connect to nature. The children came up with some super actions to the calming music. 

Science Week – Mole Class

Mole Class had a wonderful time transforming into scientists this week… here are some photos of what we have been up to!

Mole Factfiles

In their Computing lessons this term the children have been using a program called 2Publish. They drew their class animal using the mouse and writing some facts about a mole.

Pyjama mufti

You have earned a pyjama MUFTI on Wednesday 15th November. Well done!

Great Fire of London Houses – Mole Class

Mole class enjoyed a very creative day today! We transformed our shoeboxes into magnificent Great Fire of London houses! Can you spot yours?

Museum Walk – Year 2

What an amazing first day back we had! This afternoon, Year 2 had a museum walk where they looked at all of the wonderful Great Fire of London posters which were brought in today. The children loved walking around the other classrooms and admiring each other’s homework – what a creative bunch you are!

Great Fire of London Workshop – Mole Class

On Tuesday, Mole class had a workshop where we travelled back in time to 1666. We learnt lots of new facts and loved reenacting the events that happened during the Great Fire of London.

PJ Mufti day

Well done Mole Class, you have earned a pyjama MUFTI on Monday 2nd October. If you don’t have pyjamas any other own clothes will be fine.

Mole Class Photos

‘This week, we have been busy making our very own moles. We collected soil from the playground to mix into our paint and used this to create our mole hills. Then, we scrunched up some newspaper and used this to make the face of the mole. We covered this using black tissue paper and then added the final details.’ (Miss Heafford)

Mole Class Portraits

‘Wow! What an amazing first week back we have had in Mole class! Have a wonderful weekend and let’s do it all again next week 🙂’ (Miss Heafford)

Year 2’s PE lesson

The children really enjoyed their first P.E. lesson in Year 2.