This is going to be quite a quick blog this week because I do need to dash off tonight. If you have read my blogs thus far you will know that I can easily go off at a tangent and ramble on about anything and everything so I am going to stick to the point.

The Key Stage 1 children have just completed a survey which asks them about feeling happy and safe in school amongst other things including have they heard staff talking about Achieving Happily Together. Considering the number of times that I mention our short, succinct and catchy motto I was amazed that some children said they had never heard it! When I talked to a group of children about this one wise little soul said that it was in our creed and we are always saying that. I wasn’t sure if said child felt we said it a bit too much; I couldn’t quite tell from the tone of their voice! Year R have even heard our creed when they joined us for assembly.

You may feel saying a creed is a bit old fashioned or something that is only said in church but it really frames our life in school. Just incase you want to adapt it for use at home, here it is…

This is our rights respecting school
And we are family.
Let us promise together
That this shall be a peaceful place
Where we love and respect one another
As brothers and sisters.

Let us promise together
That this shall be a happy place
Where we can learn
About the world around us
And reach our goal
To Achieve Happily Together
And try to eat our vegetables, recycle and save energy.

The loudest line is always the last line and we do giggle at the vegetables bit. You also need a big breath for the second verse. Today it was carrots and broccoli in school. As always, some children wept at the sight of a green vegetable and others ate every scrap.

Have a lovely evening and I do hope when bedtime arrives you feel that you have achieved something happily with a friend today.