Hooray for the sunshine! What gorgeous weather it’s been this week and it’s been so lovely seeing so many different sun hats and sunglasses 😎 

Another week of exciting lessons for us in Year 2! We’ve been story writing in English and have used the book ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey as inspiration. The children came up with a problem and resolution for their stories and used adjectives and adverbs to add detail to their writing. We wrote in the present tense and invented our own troublesome villain and then a heroic character to save the day! The children worked really hard on their stories and had a go at editing their work once they were finished. 

In maths, we have been practising our measuring and estimating skills. We measured liquid and then compared our measurements using < and > symbols. We have also practised using a ruler to measure small objects and learnt how to measure taller objects with a metre stick. The children had great fun estimating, we talked about making a sensible guess and then checked our estimations to see how close our judgements were.

All three classes enjoyed their time in the ICT suite, coding on the computers and reading books in the library. We discussed which foods are special to us in RE and the children came up with some brilliant ideas! They created birthday cakes, Easter eggs, roast dinners, bbq food, just to name a few, to present their answers. After that, we learnt about foods that are special to Christians and listened carefully to The Last Supper story. We acted out a Holy Communion and even tried cranberry juice to represent the wine and sacramental bread. 

The year 2 classrooms have been very musical this week in preparation for our Leavers Assemblies. All of the children have been working hard learning their lines, practising songs and new dance steps. They are already sounding fabulous so prepare your tissues grown ups, waterproof mascara may be required that day ladies! 

Finally it was a great turn out for the TAFF carnival prep yesterday after school, thanks for everyone who joined in to help create props for the Fleet Carnival. There’s not long to go now, we will be heading through the streets of Fleet in our fabulous safari costumes before we know it! 

No swimming next week, the final swimming lesson will take place the Friday after on 5th July. 

Have a wonderful weekend. X