Happy Bank Holiday!

It was a slow and snotty start to the week for me and I was basically throwing tissues around like confetti! Thank goodness we have a long bank holiday weekend coming up!

This week, in our English lessons, we have been learning about the features of an invitation. The children loved doing some role play where they were practising making their imaginary birthday party the best one ever! We had some parties with enormous bouncy castles, colourful pinatas and even some cakes the size of towers! At the end of the week, the children enjoyed writing their own invitations.

In our maths learning, we have been continuing with our learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have been sorting these shapes into different categories. Later on in the week, we were learning about symmetry. We practised finding lines of symmetry, using a mirror and by folding a shape. We found vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines of symmetry. Can you find any objects that have lines of symmetry at home?

On Tuesday, Year 2 will be having our museum walk. We will be seeing all of your AMAZING homework tasks, which reflect our topic How Does Your Garden Grow? This can be a poster, model, factsheet or drawing. When we have had a museum walk for our past two topics, it has been so lovely to see the children beaming with pride and seeing them ask questions to others about their work. We are looking forward to wondering around and seeing all of the creative and imaginative ways of representing our topic.

Things to remember:

  • Book change will be on Tuesday next week – please make sure books and diaries are in.
  • Tennis lessons is not on next week due to bank holiday.
  • Spelling tests will be on Tuesday next week. Please check your child’s bag to see the results and see if there are any words that they need to practise further.
  • Times tables tests on Friday
  • Library books are changed on a Thursday, during our library time. The children are also welcome to change their books during lunchtimes when the library is open. 

Have a lovely loooooooong weekend and fingers crossed the sun will be shining.

Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team x

PS: Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have three day weekends every week?