Leavers’ Assembly – Fox Class

Leavers’ Assembly – Mole Class

Leavers’ Assembly – Squirrel Class

Year 2 Class photos – Squirrel Class

Year 2 class photos – Fox Class

Year 2 class photos – Mole Class

Year 2 Leavers’ Party

What a fantastic Leavers’ Party TAFF organised this afternoon! The children loved it! The DJ (Sean Walsh from SNJ Entertainment) was great! We would welcome comments and messages to TAFF from the children (and parents) – please send them to the Guestbook. (Not all of the Photobooth photos are shown here as there were too many! The others will be added to the children’s Google Classroom pages next week).

Planting seeds – Mole Class

Mole Class brought in some plastic pots to recycle and use as plant pots. We have been learning about how we can look after our planet and what plants need to survive. This morning, we have spent some time out in our school garden. The children loved planting their own broad bean seed and are excited to take them home! I wonder how many broad beans you will be able to munch over the summer holidays… (Miss Heafford)

Woodpeckers – Thursday 10 July 2024

This was the last session of Woodpeckers this year. 35 families attended. The theme was ‘The Zoo’. The actitivies included making a giraffe picture, jigsaws and games, sharing a book and puppets together, worksheets and number and letter formation practice. Mrs Foster, Year R leader and teacher of Rabbit Class, read ‘Dear Zoo’ and sang 5 Little Monkeys during the end session.

Fleet Carnival 2024

We came 3rd!! Very well done to Miss Heafford, TAFF and all the families who took part. The theme was ‘Safari’. We were very lucky with the weather. Please vote for Tavistock in the people’s choice vote on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/share/p/xrRtCiG7hfNt35f7/?mibextid=WC7FNe

Music & Arts Week – Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee class are enjoying music and arts week so far. We started the week with lots of art. First, we designed our own wallpaper pattern on a foam tile and then carefully coloured it in to finish the design. After that, we printed it onto paper multiple times to create our own wallpaper. Our designs were inspired by the work of William Morris who we learnt lots about. We then enjoyed doing some more art which involved carefully sketching a dragonfly by looking closely at pictures of them. The children worked so hard to ensure their sketches were detailed and … Read more

Woodpeckers – Wednesday 3 July 2024

The theme was ‘People who help us’. The activities included making a police radio and a police officer’s hat. There were puzzles and games, worksheets, letter and number formation practice, construction, garage and cars, dolls house, dolls and a P.E activity – Throw and Catch. Mrs O’Connor, and her two helpers from Mole Class, read the story at the end of the session. 32 families attended this week.

Transition 1

Mrs Gadd read a story to Hedgehog Class as they are going to be in Squirrel Class in September; Miss Heafford read a story to Bumblebee Class as they are going to be in Mole Class; Mrs Firth read a story to Rabbit Class as they are going to be in Bumblebee Class and Mrs Manoharan read a story to Badger Class as they are going to be in Hedgehog Class.

Fox Class – Computing / Library lesson

The children really enjoyed their computing lesson this morning with Miss Sheppard. They have been learning how to code using Discovery Education’s tutorials. They also practised their 2, 5 and 10 times tables using Sumdog.

Woodpeckers – Wednesday 19 June 2024

This was the first Woodpeckers session this year – the topic was ‘Teddy Bears’. Thank you to all families who came – it was a great turnout! The activities included marble painting, teddy sorting, teddy finger puppets, games, puzzles, egg and spoon activity, colouring worksheets, letter and number formation practice and dolls, dolls house, cars and garage. Mrs Foster and her 3 helpers read a story at the end of the session. 33 families attended.

Sports Day – Year R

Squirrel Class – wire flowers

The children looked at the shape of flowers and then carefully traced around a picture of their chosen flower.  Next they manipulated the wire to make their flower shape by bending and twisting the wire. To decorate, the children wrapped the petals in tissue paper and glued them carefully using a PVA glue and water wash. It was a pretty tricky activity but we persevered!

Fox Class – wire flowers

The children looked at the shape of flowers and then carefully traced around a picture of their chosen flower.  Next they manipulated the wire to make their flower shape by bending and twisting the wire. To decorate, the children wrapped the petals in tissue paper and glued them carefully using a PVA glue and water wash. It was a pretty tricky activity but we persevered!

Sports Day – Year 1

Bumblebee Class: Australia; Hedgehog Class: France

Sports Day – Year 2

Squirrel Class: Scotland; Fox Class: Spain; Mole Class: Ukraine

Bumblebee Class – planting potatoes

Bumblebee Class enjoyed their afternoon planting potatoes. We discussed the conditions they would need to help them grow, and then we worked together to plant them in our school garden. After that, we made some signs to put with them to make sure everyone looks after them. Make sure you keep an eye out when you’re in the garden to see if you can spot any growing! (Mrs Firth)

Wire Flowers – Bumblebee Class

In art, the children have been looking closely at a variety of flower pictures. They have been describing the flowers, paying attention to the size and shape of the petals. Each child to then chose their favourite flower and traced the outline on some tracing paper. Following on from that, the children spent a morning making flowers using thin wire. They had to bend and twist around the centre to create, followed by the petals. The outcome was fantastic and the children are very proud of their wire flowers. Next week, we will be decorating them. (Mrs Ford)

Greta and the Giants – Bumblebee Class

In Bumblebee Class, we have been reading the book Greta and the Giants. In the story, Greta makes a stand to protect the animals in the forest from having their homes destroyed. The children enjoyed making their own placards to help Greta save the forest. They have been learning to use exclamation marks. Great job Bumblebee Class!

Hedgehog Class – Greta and the Giants

Hedgehog Class have been reading Greta and the Giants. They have created their own placards to help Greta save the forest. They have been learning to use exclamation marks.

TAFF May Fair

Thank you, TAFF, for a fantastic fair today. Lots of fun activities – Splat the Rat, Fire engine, Penalty Shoot out, Boogie Pumps, Tombola, Hook a duck, Raffle, Caleb’s coffee van, face glitter, Jam Coding, Lucky Dip, Ice Lollies, Toss the Beanbag, Crafts and Pre-loved uniform and a magic show!

Skipping Workshop – Squirrel Class

Skipping Workshop – Hedgehog Class

Skipping Workshop – Fox Class

Skipping Workshop – Mole Class

Skipping Workshop – Bumblebee Class

Bumblebee class had a brilliant time participating in a skipping workshop today with Skip2Bfit. The children worked so hard and didn’t give up!

Fun at Playtime – children from Mole Class

History of Fleet (Bumblebee Class)

Today, as a class, we spoke about signs of change we can see from the past. We asked ourselves the question “What has changed since our grandparents were children?” We spoke about Fleet and what we already know about its history. We then spent some time looking at some photos of Fleet from the past. We had a great discussion about how we knew some of the photos were taken a long time ago and some were taken more recently. As a class, we then sequenced the photos from oldest to newest. This led to a lot more talking and … Read more

Dinosaur Factfiles – Mole Class

The children in Mole Class drew and wrote about a dinosaur of their choice using 2Publish.

Dinosaur Factfiles – Squirrel Class

The chilren in Squirrel Class drew a picture and wrote about a dinosaur of their choice using 2Publish.

Dinosaur footprints – Fox Class

Music Concert – Mole Class

The children in Mole Class have enjoyed their music lessons in Enrichment.

Dinosaur Footprints – Mole Class

Dinosaur Footprints – Squirrel Class

Dinosaur Factfiles – Fox Class

The children in Fox Class drew and wrote about a dinosaur using 2Publish.

Hedgehog Class – P.E lesson

Hedgehog Class had a great gymnastics lesson today where they were travelling in different ways and practising their balancing. They created their own gymnastic sequences individually and in pairs where they could showcase their balancing and travelling skills.  (Mrs Jamfrey)

The Big Tidy Up

Before, during and after photos of the Big TAFF Tidy Up

Science Week at Tavistock

A few photos from Year R, Year 1 and Year 2.

Meteor Experiment – Bumblebee Class

First of all, we talked about why dinosaurs no longer roam the planet. We talked about the impact on the world when a big meteorite hit and wiped out all of the dinosaurs making them extinct. We decided it would be a good idea to create our own experiment and we answered the question “if the meteorite is further away, will it make a bigger impact?” We used a marble instead of a meteorite as we decided this is probably the safer option. First we did our predictions then we carried out the experiment. We dropped the marble from 3 … Read more

Habitats – Bumblebee Class

The children LOVED creating their own natural habitats suitable for dinosaurs. They thought about the fact that animals need food, water, air and shelter to survive and loved adding features such as volcanos, streams and rock mounds to their creations. Well done Bumblebees! Mrs Ford 🙂

Science Week – Mole Class

Finished habitats and fossils

Science Week – Fox Class

Habitats and fossils

Science Week – Squirrel Class

Habitats and Fossils

Dinosaur Habitats – Mole Class

For our science learning today, we have been learning all about the habitats that different dinosaurs would live in. Can you remember all of the things that living things need in their habitat?  I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for the shoeboxes that were brought in – the children absolutely loved transforming them into their own dinosaur habitat! (Miss Heafford)

Mole Class – Fossils

As part of our science week, we have been looking at the difference between living, dead or never alive. Today, we focussed on fossils. We had a look at some real fossils. There were ammonites, clam shells and even a trilobite! The children handled these very carefully and enjoyed looking at the intricate details. Then, the children had lots of fossil activities to have fun with. I wonder what fun science activities we will get up to tomorrow… (Miss Heafford)

Year 1 – World Book Week – Elmer