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Latest from Fox Class

Year 2 Leavers’ Party

What a fantastic Leavers’ Party TAFF organised this afternoon! The children loved it! The DJ (Sean Walsh from SNJ Entertainment) was great! We would welcome comments and messages to TAFF from the children (and parents) – please send them to the Guestbook. (Not all of the Photobooth photos are shown here as there were too many! The others will be added to the children’s Google Classroom pages next week).

Fox Class – Computing / Library lesson

The children really enjoyed their computing lesson this morning with Miss Sheppard. They have been learning how to code using Discovery Education’s tutorials. They also practised their 2, 5 and 10 times tables using Sumdog.

Fox Class – wire flowers

The children looked at the shape of flowers and then carefully traced around a picture of their chosen flower.  Next they manipulated the wire to make their flower shape by bending and twisting the wire. To decorate, the children wrapped the petals in tissue paper and glued them carefully using a PVA glue and water wash. It was a pretty tricky activity but we persevered!

Sports Day – Year 2

Squirrel Class: Scotland; Fox Class: Spain; Mole Class: Ukraine

World Book Day

The children really enjoyed dressing up today!

Dinosaur VR Workshop – Fox Class

Many thanks to Paul from Spark2 for the brilliant workshops for Years 1 & 2. All the children really enjoyed their session

Year 2 – RE lesson

For our RE lesson this afternoon, the Year 2’s all came together to learn how Hindus celebrate the Holi Festival. We built a shrine for the God, Vishnu. We used scarves to symbolise the powdered paint which is thrown during the Holi Festival. We then listened to a traditional piece of Indian music and learnt an Indian dance. I wonder if you can carry on learning it at home… (Miss Heafford)

E-Safety assemblies / workshops

Every child took part in an E-Safety Assembly/workshop today delivered by OpenView Education. 

Dinosaur Workshop – Fox Class

The children in Fox Class really enjoyed being paleontologists during their workshop with Joel Walker from Education Group.

Music Concert – Fox Class

Snippets of Fox Class’s music concert on Wednesday. Thank you, Miss Sheppard, for capturing this.

Fox Factfiles

In their Computing lessons this term the children have been using a program called 2Publish. They drew their class animal using the mouse and writing some facts about a fox.

Museum Walk – Year 2

What an amazing first day back we had! This afternoon, Year 2 had a museum walk where they looked at all of the wonderful Great Fire of London posters which were brought in today. The children loved walking around the other classrooms and admiring each other’s homework – what a creative bunch you are!

Mufti Day

Well done, Fox Class, you have earned a MUFTI on Friday 29th September.

Year 2’s PE lesson

The children really enjoyed their first P.E. lesson in Year 2.