On Wednesday, the children had their school photos taken. They all looked very prepped and smart for the occasion and I hope your happy with the outcome. Please make sure you order the photos within the timeframe given. Also, just a reminder that if you haven’t already done so, the appointments are now open to book a parents evening slot to speak with your child’s teacher and see how they are settling into Year 1. The Monday session is face to face in the hall and the Tuesday session is online.
This week, we had a busy skills week in English. We practised everything we have already learnt and put it into action to see what we know and what we still need to work on. We have also continued to learn how to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces correctly to write sentences. Next week, we will be focussing on the book ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We will be exploring the nursery rhymes and fairy tales found in the book to help us identify and label the characters. We will also be using prepositions to describe where the characters are hiding.
This week in maths, we have been focussing on the number 9. We have again been using coins to show different combinations of how to make 9p. We will also be using objects to split 9 into 2 parts and introducing a new method called a bar model. This is hard to explain but it’s a great pictorial representation of a number where bars are used to represent the different quantities. This helps the children visually see the whole number at the top and the two parts below. If you’re not sure what I mean, please ask your class teacher for some clarity. Next week, we will be carrying on a similar process but focussing on the number 10. We will also start learning about our number bonds to 10.
Just a few reminders:
- Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back.
- Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day.
- Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday for Hedgehogs and Tuesday for Bumblebees.
- Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon.
- Library book change will be on a Friday.
- 21st October – Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm
- 22nd October – Parents Evening 5-7pm
- 25th October – INSET Day
- 28th October – 1st November – Half Term
- 27th November – Fleet Festivities
- 3rd December – Hedgehog Christmas Play AM
- 3rd December – Bumblebee Christmas Play PM
- 12th December – Christmas Lunch
- 20th December – Last Day of Term
We like to think of ourselves as a friendly and approachable team and if there is anything you have concerns about, please let us know and we will do our best to help.
Have a lovely weekend, see you next week!
Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.