Autumnal Feel

Autumn has certainly arrived! I’ve been for a few walks recently and started collecting conkers and leaves that have changed colour ready to share with the children. I even saw a badger walk across my front garden on my Ring doorbell the other night! Thank you to all the parents that came to our Year 1 parent’s meetings this week and we hope you found them helpful. If you have any questions, please come and speak to us.

This week in English, we started off the week with news writing. We focussed on full stops, capital letters and fingers spaces to make our writing as good as we can! We have also been reading the book Oi Frog! By Kes Gray. We have been finding, matching and generating rhyming words and using our rhyming words to write full sentences. Next week, we will focus on the books ‘Oi Dog! and Oi Cat!’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field. We will continue to learn about what rhyming words are and we will be identifying these in the different books. We will create a list of rhyming couplets, a mind map of rhyming words and write rhyming sentences.

This week in maths, we have been focusing on the number 6. We have looked at different ways to make the number 6, discussing how the number can be split into different parts. For example, 1 and 5, 2 and 4, 3 and 3 etc. and shown different ways to record this such as cherry diagrams. Next week, we will be learning about the number 7. We will look at what the number 7 looks like and look at different representations of 7. We will use practical resources to show 7 and in our books we will draw 7 in different ways. After this, we will use practical resources to create number stories to explain how 7 can be split into different parts. We will draw a number story in our maths book. Finally, we will use a tens frame to show 7 as part, part whole.

A few people have been asking about show and share items. We absolutely encourage any achievements such as certificates, medals, trophies etc and if the children have done any extra home learning at home and would like to share their maths or writing etc. We also allow books to be brought in from home to share with the class. Now the children are Year 1, we discourage toys or random items from home purely based on the fact that we don’t have the time now the curriculum is a bit more fast paced. If you have any questions about this, please ask.

Just a few reminders: 

  • Please make sure all your child’s belongings are labelled. Things do go missing and I’m convinced there is a black hole somewhere in the school that sucks them in and they never come back. 
  • Please send your child’s water bottle and book bag into school every day.
  • Our Year 1 PE day is on a Monday for Hedgehogs and Tuesday for Bumblebees.
  • Reading books in school are changed once a week and this will be every Monday. The books will be collected in in the morning and a new one will be issued that same afternoon.
  • We will pick up library book change again in the next few weeks. This will be on a Friday.


  • 2nd October – Harvest Festival
  • 21st October – Parents Evening 3.30-6.30pm
  • 22nd October – Parents Evening 5-7pm
  • 25th October – INSET Day
  • 28th October – 1st November – Half Term
  • 27th November – Fleet Festivities
  • 3rd December – Hedgehog Christmas Play AM
  • 3rd December – Bumblebee Christmas Play PM
  • 20th December – Last Day of Term

We like to think of ourselves as a friendly and approachable team and if there is anything you have concerns about, please let us know and we will do our best to help.  

Have a lovely weekend, see you next week!

Mrs Ford and the Year 1 team.