Are we there yet?

Well, we came third in the Carnival, we have had 3 assemblies from our Year 2 children who are leaving, and after school yesterday 3 classes partied in the playground and had a marvellous time thanks to our wonderful TAFF team. Hopefully I will be served 3 fish fingers today and that will end a week of threes!

I think I have said our assembly theme at the moment is Changes as it is at the end of every year. Children are all getting ready to move on and have visited their new classrooms and met their new teachers. We have absolutely stressed though that change is GOOD! Yes it can make us have butterflies in our tummies either from excitement or feeling anxious but if truth be told an awful lot of things stay the same and the changes are minimal. Yes, the children will have a new teacher to train but they will still have chairs to sit on, exciting things to learn and they will still be fed and watered! I know you will be telling your children that they will be fine and you won’t be feeding their concerns, just acknowledging their feelings. We can’t take every hard lesson or tricky time away from our children, but we can prepare them for the future and help them to be resilient in the face of things that will go wrong in their lives. Thankfully, even though things do feel tough in our country for so many reasons, it could be an awful lot worse! Let’s just be kind to each other.

Whilst I am not a football fan, I will be watching the match on Sunday evening and hopefully England won’t be disappointed. It really is a game of two halves isn’t it, and there will be a winner and a loser. Tears of joy or sadness will be shed but life will go on. Whatever happens school will be open at the usual time and your children will be welcomed into their classrooms for their last week.