‘A Tiny Seed’ and Arts/Music Week

It has been a very busy week in Year R!

Our story of the week was ‘The Tiny Seed’ and the children worked really hard in drawing club thinking of different ideas for where their seed might settle, including landing in a volcano or falling into the deep mud.  What great ideas!

It has been a great arts and music week, starting with a visit from two parents who shared their musical instruments and we were lucky enough to listen to beautiful music from a flute, clarinet and a violin cello. 

Our focus artist for the week was Vincent Van Gogh and the children produced their own amazing versions of his sunflower art work.  You may have seen these lovely pieces of art work on our windows. 

As we are reaching the end of the school year, may we ask that you send in a named plastic bag on Wednesday 17th July that we can pop your children’s books in ready for them to come home.

Have a lovely weekend.

Many thanks

The Reception Team