Hansel and Gretel

This week our story has been ‘Hansel and Gretel’.  The children have taken part in four drawing club sessions. They have created a witch, the witch’s house of sweets, a trick or treat pot and even added on their own adventure. There has been some fantastic writing going on. 

In phonics we have learnt the sound ‘x’ and the special friend ‘ng’.

In maths this week it has been all about numbers to 5. We have looked at saying one more and one less than a number to 5, discussed the composition of 5 and talked about pairs of numbers that make 5.

As always there has been some amazing art work and creations being produced, including making witches, a witch mask, a basket for the witch and even ‘the bony finger’ from the story. 

It has been another fantastic week in Year R.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team