Time to wrap up!

It’s the time of year where the gloves and scarves are out and the de-icing begins… Christmas songs have been filling the corridors this week, as each class have begun to practise their Christmas show. Letters have been sent home that detail your child’s role in the show. Costumes need to be in next week in a clearly named bag please, ready for the Year 2 Christmas shows which will be the following week.

The children who will be performing at Fleet Festivities in the choir have carried on with their rehearsals at lunchtimes. Less than a week to go – eek! They have been working incredibly hard to learn all of the lyrics and actions, ready for their performance on Wednesday. If your child is in the choir, you should have received a ParentMail including the details. It would be wonderful to see lots of you in the audience as we are swaying from side to side and bobbing up and down (hopefully all in time!).

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have the lovely Emily come in to deliver an anti-bullying workshop.

In English, we have been writing our postcards from the point of view of Sunny the meerkat, who we met last week in our book, Meerkat Mail. They wrote a postcard back to their parents about their trip to Fleet. The children were practising using capital letters for place names. They will be becoming little teachers and looking at how they can edit and improve their writing next week.

This week in maths, we have been learning all about division. The children have been sharing different amounts between 2 and 5.

Sharing 8 between 2

😊 o  o  o  o   4

😊 o  o  o  o   4

Later in the week, the children were introduced to the division symbol. We referred to this as ‘shared between’ and ‘divided by’. For example, 8 shared between 2 people equals 4. In our maths lessons, the children have been using word problems and they have had to pick out the important information from it. For example ‘the baker had 25 cakes in a shop. Five children came to the shop to buy some cakes. How many cakes would each child get?’

Please, please PLEASE make sure your child is bringing a warm coat to school each day! It is getting so cold outside now!

Enjoy your weekend,

Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team