A very spotty Friday!
A very spotty Friday!
Once again it is that time of year,
Pudsey bear is finally here,
Donate some money to show you care,
Spots, spots EVERYWHERE!
It was wonderful to see so many of you wearing spots to raise money for Children in Need. It truly is such an important charity, and it highlights the importance to be grateful for everything that we are lucky to have. Thank you for all of your donations!
This week, in our English lessons, we have been continuing to look at our text called Meerkat Mail. The children came up with the wonderful idea that Sonny the meerkat may like to travel to Fleet. They worked in groups to brainstorm all of the lovely places there are in Fleet that Sonny may have visited. The next day, the children were shocked to see that Sonny appeared in the classroom! The children loved preparing and performing role play in partners, where one person acted as a reporter and the other got into the role of Sonny. This lovely roleplay can be seen on the Mole class page. Next week, the children will be writing their own postcard from Sonny. To prepare for this, the children explored synonyms and practised choosing better words. For example, ‘nice’ is a bit boring. What better words could we use in our writing? The children also had a practise of using capital letters at the start of place names, as we will be using these a lot in our writing next week. I wonder if you can practise writing the names of different places you go over the weekend (remembering capital letters)… for example, Hart Leisure Centre.
In maths, we have been continuing our learning about multiplication. The children were writing the repeated addition number sentences for multiples of 5 and then writing the multiplication sentence to match. For example, 4 lots of 5 would be the same as 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 20 and 4 x 5 = 20. After this, we were drawing arrays to match (hip-hip-ARRAY). Next week, we will be introducing the division symbol. We will refer to this as ‘shared between’ and ‘divided by’. For example, 8 shared between 2 people equals 4.
The children who will be performing at Fleet Festivities in the choir, have carried on with their rehearsals at lunchtimes. They have been working incredibly hard to learn all of the lyrics – what a tuneful bunch! If you are part of the choir, you should have received a message about the meeting point, timings and what to wear.
Please, please PLEASE make sure your child is bringing a warm coat to school each day! It is getting so cold outside now!
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Heafford and the Year 2 team