Another lovely week in Year 2

Another lovely week in Year 2 has just ended and we only have one more week to go before we reach the end of the summer term. I cannot believe how quickly it has come around! What an emotional week it has been…with all the FABULOUS leavers assemblies taking place in the school hall. We do hope all parents and family members enjoyed watching the assemblies as much as the children enjoyed performing them. Each class worked so very hard for weeks, practising, to ensure the performance was the very best it could be. The children were ever so proud … Read more

What a creative week we have had!

It has been Music and Arts week at school and we have been busy drawing, printing, singing and dancing! We have learnt about different artists such as William Morris and Van Gough and looked at their different styles of artwork. We found out fun facts about them and enjoyed looking at their different pieces. The children created their own sunflower drawings in the style of Van Gough, using oil pastels. They also looked at some of the famous wallpaper prints created by William Morris and then sketched some of his designs. After that, the children drew their favourite design onto … Read more

Summer 2, week 4

Hello everyone, it’s Mrs Manoharan writing the blog this week. I hope you’ve all enjoyed the lovely weather we’ve been experiencing. Well done for remembering to bring your full water bottles in every day, it’s very important to keep hydrated in the warm weather. I’m proud to say everyone was very sensible and made sure they stayed in the shade and had a drink when they felt hot on the playground. It should be slightly cooler in the coming week. In our maths learning this week, we have been looking at estimating and number investigations. At the beginning of the … Read more

Hooray for the sunshine! What gorgeous weather it’s been this week and it’s been so lovely seeing so many different sun hats and sunglasses 😎 

Another week of exciting lessons for us in Year 2! We’ve been story writing in English and have used the book ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey as inspiration. The children came up with a problem and resolution for their stories and used adjectives and adverbs to add detail to their writing. We wrote in the present tense and invented our own troublesome villain and then a heroic character to save the day! The children worked really hard on their stories and had a go at editing their work once they were finished.  In maths, we have been practising our measuring … Read more

Sports Day

It’s been a mixed bag of weather this week but thank goodness it was dry for Year 2 sports day!! I’m beginning to wonder when the summer will actually arrive.  Hello everyone, it’s Mrs Manoharan writing the blog this week, I hope you all had fun cheering for your class and country at sports day!!   It seems everyone had an enormous amount of fun taking part in the different races and supporting each other to enjoy the morning with team spirit. My favourite race is always the water race…it’s so exciting and lots of fun trying to keep the cup … Read more

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you had a fabulous half term, I can’t quite believe this is the final term for our lovely year 2s – where has the time gone!? We’ve had a busy first week back with lots of fun activities taking place. In maths this week, we’ve been learning all about statistics. We have learnt how to present data on a range of graphs such as a tally chart, pictogram, bar graph and block graph. The children collected their own data and learnt how to answer questions about what it shows. In English, we started a new topic based on … Read more

How is it almost June?!

Happy half term! A huge well done to the children for having another wonderful half term. We are going into the final half term before they all go onto their next adventure… I might get my tissues at the ready!  We started off the week with our final tennis session. A big thank you to Jamie for being a fab tennis coach and teaching the children lots of different skills. I wonder if you can remember what backhand and forehand is… In maths, we have been learning an efficient strategy to add and subtract 2-digit numbers. This strategy involves partitioning … Read more

Loving this weather…

Hi everyone, Mrs. Gadd back this week. I hope you are all well and enjoying this sunshine and it’s only week to go until the half term break and it’ll probably start raining again! First of all, a huge thank you to our wonderful TAFF for organising a brilliant summer fayre. Unfortunately, I was unable to go but I heard nothing but great things about it and as a school we truly appreciate everything you do. Thinking back to our learning in Year 2 this week, we have been busy revisiting subtracting a 2 digit number from another 2 digit … Read more

Happy Bank Holiday!

It was a slow and snotty start to the week for me and I was basically throwing tissues around like confetti! Thank goodness we have a long bank holiday weekend coming up! This week, in our English lessons, we have been learning about the features of an invitation. The children loved doing some role play where they were practising making their imaginary birthday party the best one ever! We had some parties with enormous bouncy castles, colourful pinatas and even some cakes the size of towers! At the end of the week, the children enjoyed writing their own invitations. In … Read more

When will the sunshine come out?

What strange weather we’re having this April! Before school I am always asking myself, do I continue to wear a winter coat or change to a raincoat? During the week I was even tempted to put a scarf and a bobble hat on! Let’s hope it warms up soon! This week, in our English lessons, we have continued to learn about persuasive letter writing. The children have been writing their own persuasive letter to the local MP, focussing on the problem of litter in Fleet. The children came up with some brilliant ideas with how we could make a difference … Read more

How is it the summer term already?

I hope everyone had a fun and restful Easter holidays and ate lots of delicious Easter eggs! Isn’t it lovely finally having some sunshine and lighter evenings? We have had a lovely first week back in Year 2. The children have settled back into school brilliantly and are all raring to go. We have so many exciting things coming up in the summer term, such as swimming, Fleet Carnival and sports day! Our learning will also be focussed upon our new topic… How does your Garden Grow? This week, in our English lessons, we have been learning about persuasive letter … Read more

So lovely to feel the sun on our faces!

I don’t want to tempt fate but I think we may have waved goodbye to winter, hurrah! I actually wore my gilet to school so that’s saying something. Another lovely week in Year 2 has just ended. In English we were working on skills. Choosing the correct homophone, there, their and they’re is an important skill to master in writing as are contractions. We had fun making sure our apostrophes were in the right place because if they are not , it is considered a spelling mistake… Some children also worked on prefixes and learned what the prefix un and … Read more

Finally, it’s starting to feel like spring…

Blossom is coming, thick and fast and the daffs are out in force. I can never decide whether spring or summer is my favourite season, both are fabulous in my eyes. Winter is definitely my worst and I am so grateful to be coming out of it finally. What a great week we have had in school. Science week began with a visit from a real life scientist, she got us all thinking and we all really enjoyed hearing about the accidental inventions. I think the accidental invention of cornflakes and crisps was the most funny. A lot of our … Read more

We love Elmer!

What a fabulous World Book Day we had on Thursday. As always, it was great to see the children all dressed up. Such an array of costumes and imagination across the year group, well done everyone! I probably shouldn’t say this, but my personal favourites were the oompah lumpas – the green wigs and bright orange faces made me smile so much! I hope it wasn’t too hard getting the orange face paint off… For our special day, we decided to concentrate on Elmer the elephant stories and the uniqueness of us all. We looked at acrostic poems and had … Read more

Another week has gone…

Hello everyone and welcome again to the blog. Today is the first day of spring apparently, as well as being St. David’s Day, but what a wet one it has been. The daffs in my garden didn’t know what had hit them this morning during those torrential downpours at 7am!  Hopefully they’ll recover and stand tall again very soon. In class this week, we have been finishing off our unit on fractions – working out 3/4s and 1/3 of a shape, a number and an amount. The children have really got to grip with fractions and it is lovely to … Read more

Welcome back everyone!

It’s Mrs. Gadd back again writing the Year 2 blog for the term, I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing the rambles of my lovely colleagues as I think it’s always nice to hear a different voice! Well, we are exactly halfway through Year 2 now, it’s difficult to believe but the time really is flying by so quickly this year. Jumpers are getting shorter, shoes are getting tight, it feels that the children are just growing so fast. We will have to try and find something to slow down time… I hope you all had a great half term break and … Read more

Happy National Pizza Day!

I hope you enjoyed your yummy Dominos snacks after school. Thanks so much to our fabulous TAFF team once again for organising such a great event, you guys are AMAZING!  I can’t believe we’ve reached the end of another half term, where have those six weeks gone!? We have had another busy week in Year 2 and the children have worked super hard. In English, the children have written their own dinosaur story based on the book Dinosaur in Danger. They used their five senses to imagine what their characters could see, hear, smell, touch and taste and used adjectives … Read more

Brighter mornings and evenings…

Thank you to all those parents who attended parents evening this week both face to face and virtually. It was lovely to talk to you all about the progress of your children and suggest things you can do to help support your children in their learning. We really do value all your help with consolidating learning at home, we couldn’t do it without you! Understandably the parents evening appointments have a time limit allocated, however, we do like to think of ourselves as a friendly and approachable team so please do make use of the weekly appointment slots available if … Read more

Happy Friday everyone! 

Firstly, thank you all so much for your generous TAFF donations this week for both the Tombola and Bag2School scheme.  Thank you TAFF for organising another great event, we are very grateful for all of your hard work and everything you do for our school! There has been lots of lovely learning going on in Year 2 this week… In English, the children have been writing their own rascally recipes for revolting cakes, based on the book The Rascally Cake. They have had great fun using adjectives to describe the list of rancid ingredients in their recipes and have been … Read more

Did you wear your hat, scarf and gloves this week?

It has been a very chilly week weather wise and we have been remembering to wrap up warm during playtimes and lunchtimes, well done if you could fasten your coat by yourself and you did not lose your hat, scarf or gloves!  However, if they did go missing, please check the lost property in the Year 2 corridor. As ever what a busy week we have had in Year 2! This week, in our English lessons, we have been continuing to look at new vocabulary based on ‘The Rascally cake’. We have also been learning to recognise and use adverbial … Read more

Happy Saturday everyone!

Miss Sheppard here :) For this term myself and Mrs Manoharan will be sharing the Year 2 blog.   We’ve had a brilliant second week back and we have been working hard as always. We started the week off with a brand new topic in English based on a fantastic book called The Rascally Cake. We thought like detectives and made our own predictions on what the book was going to be about based on the title and illustrations on the front cover. We loved listening to the revolting rhymes, looking at the fabulous pictures and finding out if our predictions … Read more

Happy New Year to you all!

A big welcome back to school and after a great start back this week, everyone is very excited about all the fabulous learning we have planned for this new Spring term ! We have enjoyed reading the wonderful Christmas recounts this week in English; it is lovely to hear all about the children’s experiences over the Christmas holidays. We have also taken part in Dinosaur workshops which has been so much fun. This coming week, we will be starting our English, maths, phonics and topic planning as well as listening to home readers, so another busy week is in store! … Read more


IT’S CHRISTMASSSSSS! I can’t believe that it is the Christmas holidays already, it feels like we have only just opened the first door of our advent calendars! On Monday, we all transformed into little elves for our Elf Run. Thank you so much for bringing in your sponsorship forms to school – you are all so incredibly generous! The money that has been raised will be going to an incredible cause, the Phyllis Tuckwell hospice. On Tuesday, the children had a wonderful time at the Fleet pantomime. The day was filled with lots of clapping, booing and shouting “it’s behind … Read more

Bursting with pride!

What a week we’ve had! All of the Year 2 staff are incredibly proud of the Christmas performances that the children have put on this week. Every single one of the children tried their best, they smiled from ear to ear and no one even fell off the stage – phew! Thank you so, SO much to everyone who came to support and watch the shows. Each classes performance will be put up onto Google Classroom on the class page by next week. It was Christmas Jumper Day on Friday! It was wonderful to see so many bright colours, sequins … Read more

Here comes the glitter…!

Happy December! Christmas has arrived at Tavistock! There are Christmas trees, baubles and a trail of sparkly tinsel everywhere… As much as I love the magic of Christmas, I can’t say I’m enjoying these cold and frosty mornings, especially having to de-ice the car! But maybe we’ll be lucky enough to have a white Christmas this year, brrrr! It is almost SHOWTIME! All classes have been busy practising their Christmas show. I know that all of the teachers are feeling incredibly proud of the children, as they are all working so hard. It is so wonderful to see all of … Read more

Whizz! Bang! Pop!

What an amazing Science week we have had! Each classroom has been busy planning, predicting and experimenting. At the beginning of the week, the children were learning about living things and what they need to survive. We spoke about how, although chocolate cakes, phones and tablets are lovely to have, we do not actually need them. Firstly, we looked at the importance of exercise. The children had a go at different forms of exercise, and we discussed how our bodies changed after completing them. Then, we looked at healthy balanced diets. We referred to the Eatwell plate and learnt about … Read more

A very spotty Friday!

Once again it is that time of year, Pudsey bear is finally here, Donate some money to show you care, Spots, spots EVERYWHERE! It was wonderful to see so many of you wearing spots to raise money for Children in Need. It truly is such an important charity, and it highlights the importance to be grateful for everything that we are lucky to have. Thank you for all of your donations! What a busy week we have had in Year 2! This week, in our English lessons, we have been continuing to look at our text called Vlad and The … Read more


A week full of sneezing, Lemsips and throwing tissues around like confetti! I hope you all enjoyed your Firework weekend! Whether you went to a firework event, watched them from a window or enjoyed hot chocolates and marshmallows with friends. I went to watch the Winchester fireworks and I am very grateful Mrs Gadd let me borrow her wellies… they were very much needed! This week, in our English lessons, we have been continuing to look at our text called Vlad and The Great Fire of London. At the beginning of the week, we were looking at adverbs and conjunctions … Read more

A new author of the blog!

Hello! It’s Miss Heafford here, I am your new blogger! I hope you all had a wonderful half term break and had lots of fun, whether you were busy carving pumpkins or just catching up on some much-needed sleep! Wasn’t it lovely having an extra hour in bed on Sunday… What an amazing first week back we have had in Year 2! On Tuesday afternoon, the children loved visiting the other Year 2 classrooms to go on a ‘museum walk’. This gave the children the opportunity to share their homework with their friends, which they absolutely loved! Thank you for … Read more

Time for some R and R!

I can’t believe we are at half term already, those first seven weeks have flown by and we have done so much already.  The children have been fabulous in settling down quickly and getting on with the business of  being a Year 2 person! We have had a very busy week, we became poets in English and we all wrote an autumn shape poem. The children decided whether they were going to focus on autumn leaves, pumpkins or squirrels. There were wonderful adjectives and verbs flying around in our autumn input and the children relished writing in a slightly different … Read more

Beautiful colours are starting to come…

Autumn feels as though it’s on her way, the nights are drawing in, the leaves are gradually changing colour, there is a nip in the air in the morning and I’m considering wearing tights again. The weeks are rushing by and before we know it, we’ll be humming Christmas songs and getting the glitter out! For the time being though, life in Year 2 has been fairly settled with our routine of reading, maths, English, phonics and topic work. This week the children have finally finished their non-chronological reports about rats in English. Over the last 3 weeks the children … Read more

Harvest Festival Assembly

We’d like to say a massive thank you for the generous donations of food that was sent into school on Wednesday for our Harvest Festival. When it was all packed up, it filled 15 huge boxes, 3 more than last year which is wonderful. The local foodbank was extremely appreciative so thank you so much. Across the year group we have been busy as usual. In English we carried on with our non-chron rat reports finding out what rats like to eat and then writing up our best paragraph into our booklets. Who knew that rats don’t like raw celery … Read more

Week 4  – Feeling a bit like autumn now…

I’m never quite sure what to wear in this weather and I’m even more confused after seeing the weatherman on the TV tonight, apparently later next week it’s going to be sun, sun, sun! How fabulous it that, I hope he’s right! We’ve had a great week in Year 2, in English, we have started our ‘best’ versions of our non chronological report based on rats and we began with our paragraph about what rats look like. There were a lot of sharp claws and scaly tails mentioned as well as teeth that gnaw. The children worked hard to use … Read more

I can’t believe it’s Friday already…

Another busy week has flown by and we’ve seen quite a bit of rain and wind. Windy weather seems to always make the children a bit more excitable, I wonder if it has the same effect on us adults?! Maybe I should think about doing a survey… This week in Year 2 we started our guided reading groups so we are now working on a full timetable.  Please make sure that reading diaries are in school every day because it may be a day that your child is reading to an adult and we do like to make a comment … Read more

Week two done! (and, thank goodness it’s been a little cooler)

What a great week we have had in Year 2, the children have continued to settle in beautifully and they have been getting to grips with the pace of learning in Year 2 – well done everyone! This week in English we have been recapping the skills learnt in Year 1.  It’s surprising how much is forgotten over the space of six weeks but hopefully now, memories have been jogged and we’re all set for our brand new English unit next week. In maths, we have been practising counting forwards and back from 100, really concentrating on crossing over the … Read more

What a brilliant start!

It only seems a few hours ago when I was setting the alarm clock for a very silly time, packing up a lunch and choosing my outfit for the first day and already, we are at the end of our first full week.  What a whirlwind it has been! We have spent the five days settling into our new classrooms and getting used to new routines. The children have been busy creating class charters, voting for school councillors, writing about their summer holidays, remembering number bonds, painting self-portraits and learning all about their new class animal. By Friday, I think … Read more