School Councillors

Latest from Hedgehog Class

Transition 1

Mrs Gadd read a story to Hedgehog Class as they are going to be in Squirrel Class in September; Miss Heafford read a story to Bumblebee Class as they are going to be in Mole Class; Mrs Firth read a story to Rabbit Class as they are going to be in Bumblebee Class and Mrs Manoharan read a story to Badger Class as they are going to be in Hedgehog Class.

Hedgehog Class – Greta and the Giants

Hedgehog Class have been reading Greta and the Giants. They have created their own placards to help Greta save the forest. They have been learning to use exclamation marks.

Hedgehog Class – P.E lesson

Hedgehog Class had a great gymnastics lesson today where they were travelling in different ways and practising their balancing. They created their own gymnastic sequences individually and in pairs where they could showcase their balancing and travelling skills.  (Mrs Jamfrey)

World Book Day

The children really enjoyed dressing up today!

Dinosaur VR Workshops – Year 1

Many thanks to Paul from Spark2 for the brilliant workshops for Years 1 & 2 today. All the children really enjoyed their session. (Photos to follow)

Dinosaur Footprints

The children in Hedgehog Class had great fun experimenting with different ways of using paints and ‘brushes’ in preparation for painting their papier mache dinosaur footprints. They then made and painted their dinosaur footprints.

Mufti day

Well done, Hedgehog Class, you have earned a mufti day on Thursday 8 February.

E-Safety Workshop – Year 1

The children loved the visit from Open View Education who came in to talk to us about keeping safe online. The children loved meeting all the characters such as Ola the Owl and Cassie the Cat. We have learnt about keeping safe online such as not sharing personal information and using only kind words. (Mrs Ford)

E-Safety assemblies / workshops

Every child took part in an E-Safety Assembly/workshop today delivered by OpenView Education. 

Dinosaur Workshop – Hedgehog Class

The children in Hedgehog Class really enjoyed being paleontologists during their workshop with Joel Walker from Education Group.